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Information about papers and site licences

Information about papers and site licences


All papers are modelled on latest information about this year’s WACEexaminations..

Marking Guides are provided free of charge for use within the school.

• Test papers are provided electronically so they may be amended to suit individual school.

In the current year each school orders and pays for the number of papers it plans to print. No more than this number may be produced this year.

From the following year onwards the paper automatically becomes a site licence without extra charge.

Copyright for both test papers and marking guides remains with West Australian Test Papers.

Use of the test papers is strictly limited to the purchasing school. This means that the papers may not be transmitted in any form to any other school, institution or individual.

• The papers are in docx format using Word 2013, Equation Editor 3.0, FX Draw and FX

The security of the test papers is vital to the many schools which use them as an assessment item.  This means that:

• papers may not be released to students to take home until the agreed release date ;

• printed copies must be collected and held in a secure place in the school until the release date.  (In-class revision of worked papers is permissible.);

• electronic versions must be limited to the teachers using the paper and not shared on networks until after the release date.


Schools have an automatic site licence for any papers purchased in past years so do not need to purchase another site licence now.

Schools which did not purchase a particular WATP test paper in a previous year may now purchase a site licence for that paper.

Many past papers are available from this site. Contact our office if you require others not shown on this site

Please note:

• Past papers as site licences are instantly downloadable from this website.

Solutions to all questions are provided for each paper ordered.

• The site licence entitles the school of purchase to use the materials like a black line master.

That is, teachers can:

1. reproduce complete test papers;

2. cut and paste individual questions into topic tests, examination papers, revision sets etc;

3. use them now and in future years.

Providing that:

4. materials are reproduced only for use in the school of purchase;

5. the materials are not distributed, either in hard copy or by electronic/digital means, to any other individual or organisation;

6. where complete test papers, or whole pages of papers are reproduced, they continue to carry the WATP copyright logo.


The Purcell Family Trust & The Tognolini Family Trust